(Still under construction...)
Program Description and Distribution Concept -------------------------------------------- DRAFU plus, a function plotter, which had been available as "DRAFU" (Shareware) since 1990 and as "DRAFU plus" (Demo) since 1993. It completely has been rewritten for OS V37/39 and AGA features and is again available as Shareware. It includes the following features: - freely defineable function terms (x^?, sin, cos, tan, ...) (function parser by Dipl.Ing. Ulrich Degens) - unlimited number of sizeable windows on the screen - unlimited number of functions per window (presented as a list) - upto 256 colors on the screen (AGA): - freely selectable draw color for each function - freely selectable background, drawing and axis color for each window - loading and saving of function lists - flexible axis' description (decimal, logarithmically, scientific) - single/double axis description - saving windows drawings in any of the graphics file formats superview.library does support (optionally, library is not needed) - hardcopy function AND MUCH MORE DRAFU is SHAREWARE, the future depends on YOU. Fee is: 30 DM/20 USD (40/25 outside europe). For Copyrights and detailed program information please download.
Download newest DRAFU plus from:
DE Site #1 DE Site #2 US Site #1
Please visit also:
Andreas Kleinert's Homepage (PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX)
SuperView support page SuperPlay-Library support page akJFIF-Datatype support page akLJPG-Datatype support page akPNG-Datatype support page akSVG-Datatype support page
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Created and (C) 1997 by Andreas R. Kleinert (ark@amigaworld.com).
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